Mastering the Art of Projectile Combat in Lords of the Fallen

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Lords of the Fallen offers players a variety of powerful LotF items and LotF vigors to engage enemies from a distance

Lords of the Fallen offers players a variety of powerful LotF items and LotF vigors to engage enemies from a distance. Whether you prefer launching arrows from a longbow or hurling firebombs with magical precision, ranged combat can provide strategic advantages and open up new tactical options. This guide will help you optimize your setup and master the skills needed to dominate opponents without ever unsheathing a melee weapon in Lords of the Fallen.


Choosing the Right-Ranged Weapon

The first step is selecting the ranged armament that suits your playstyle. Lords of the Fallen features several versatile options to fill this role:


The longbow is one of the starting gear selections and remains a strong pick throughout the game. It's simple to use but deals high damage, especially when upgraded. A skilled archer can snipe enemies from a safe distance and pick off opponents engaging allies. Stock up on various arrow types to handle different situations.


While slightly slower to fire than a bow, the crossbow hits with tremendous force. It's perfect for staggering or killing tough enemies with one or two powerful bolts. Crossbows also ignore armor, making them effective against all foes. Carry bolts imbued with different LotF vigors to add elemental damage.

Throwing Knives

For those who prefer deadly precision over raw power, throwing knives is a fine option. They can be rapidly tossed in quick succession, dealing moderate damage with each hit. Their real strength lies in applying status effects via poison or bleeding knives. Knives also consume no resources, allowing infinite use.


Specializing in Vigors

Once you've chosen your projectile weapon in Lords of the Fallen, the next step is selecting complementary LotF vigors to enhance your ranged skills. These magical abilities open up new tactics and playstyles when applied to ammunition.

Fire Blast

Imbuing bolts or arrows with Fire Blast adds powerful burning damage over time. It works well against clustered enemies or bosses with large hitboxes. The lingering flames also ignite targets hit by a burning projectile, allowing area-of-effect damage.


Frostbite slows and immobilizes opponents, crippling their mobility and damage output. It perfectly sets up squishy targets for easy pickoffs. The slowing effect stacks with multiple bolts/arrows, virtually freezing enormous foes in place. Throwing knives coated in frost are hard to defend against.


Spark coats ammunition in lightning, dealing strong magic damage. Its chaining ability can strike additional nearby enemies. While less potent than Fire Blast, Spark has no damage over time - just high instant damage. It also works well against electricity-weak opponents.


Corruption arrows slowly drain an enemy's life force, functioning as a long-range vampiric effect. The damage amplifies based on the target's missing health, rewarding sharpshooting skills. It makes quick work of solo targets and helps sustain ranged combatants through resource recovery.


Supportive Items and Trinkets

To push your ranged build to the maximum potential, utilize supportive LotF items and trinkets:

Poison Herbs

These common consumables coat your weapons and ammunition in poison for a short time. Applying poison this way synergizes powerfully with skills like Spark or Frostbite for increased damage over time effects.

Restorative Vials

As a "glass cannon" damage dealer, healing items like Restorative Vials are essential for sustaining ranged combat. They allow you to fight aggressively without fear of running out of healing entirely from a safe distance.

Sharpshooter's Ring

This rare trinket increases projectile damage and rate of fire, taking your output to new heights. For maximum DPS, prioritize this accessory over defensive options when possible.

Quiver of Holding

This pouch increases your carrying capacity for arrows, bolts, or knives by 50%. Never run low on ammo again with this essential item for sustained ranged battles.


Tactics and Positioning

While gear and abilities provide power, Rangers must also sharpen their instincts and tactical acuity to dominate foes. Here are some positioning tips:

Control High Ground

Seek vantage points like towers, ruins, or rocky outcroppings whenever possible. Elevation grants clearance of vision to rain death from above safely out of melee range.

Target Isolated Enemies

Pick off solitary scouts and patrols to slowly thin numbers. This prevents being surrounded - focus multi-target LotF vigors on clustered opponents instead.

Coordinate With Allies

Call targets to direct ally positioning and keep foes distracted. Stunning or slowing prized targets allow melee companions to secure kills. Coordinate fire volleys for maximum crowd control.

Kite and Retreat Tactfully

Despite range advantage, all builds face risks. Know when to pull back, kiting enemies into environmental hazards or drawing them into kill zones. Reload safely beyond pursuit range.


Mastering Ranged Mastery

With optimal gear, practice, and patience, ranged combat mastery in Lords of the Fallen is well within reach. Experiment fearlessly with different weapon types and LotF vigors to discover intriguing synergies. Sharpen tactical acuity through experience, and ranged combatants will smash all opposition from safety.

Whether raining death from afar or harassing at the fringes of battle, projectile professionals find endless opportunities in Lords of the Fallen. Take to the shadows, sniper - the land of Drangleic awaits another master marksman.
